192 days, 4,608 hours, 276,480 minutes, and 16,588,800 seconds until camp beings. THAT'S NOTHING. Rotman here, back again after Lori's epic blog post. That was a nice change of pace, thanks Lori. We hope everyone is doing well and enjoying this holiday season. I'm sure you guys are overloaded with final exams and papers, so I'm glad you're taking a break and catching up on some Caribou news. If you're bored, check this video out Levin-Ep just sent me, its pretty sick!!
The Countdown to Camp Calendars are out!!!
In Caribou news: I was recently at the Mountain Hoop Classic watching Joe Geller's Blair Academy basketball team vs. Andover. It was an absolute blowout, 79-38, Blair Academy took it to the house. The beast that is Joe Geller was ripping every rebound and creating absolute havoc under the hoop. Great playin' Joe. Tyler Swartz also competed in the tournament for Rivers, and from what I hear, Tyler played real well. A little side note: during Joe's game, in walked Ray Allen. No idea why he was there, but I'm assuming he must have heard Caribou Alumnus Joe Geller was playing ball and he had to check it out.
Up at camp: The weather has been pretty nice up until this week. The winter season definitely has begun at camp. The tennis courts are moving along nicely as the paving will begin in the spring!!! Frank says hi to all.
Have a great rest of the holiday season. Keep in touch.
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