Caribou Nation.... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!
We hope that everyone is doing well and had a great new years. Its been a crazy Holiday Season, and Caribou is full swing into 2011!!! The Rotman's are back from an AWESOME family vacation in Playa Del Carmen, filled with great weather, deep sea fishing, jet skiing, and beautiful beaches. However, it's great to be back at the Caribou Headquarters.
On News Years Day the Block Family had a massive party with loads of Caribou guys in attendance. Tyler Swartz and his parents Sandy and Jack, Brad Kaufman (cookies) and his parents Linda and Jason, Sam and Dan Emerman and his parents Amy and Scott, Rotman, and of course the big man Adam Block. A special thanks goes out Dana & Jeff Block for inviting us all and putting on a great party.
Staff News: Anthony Bonaddio gave a little visit to the Barbati's for New Years in Chicago. They had an amazing time and definitely rang in the new year Caribou style. And in other Caribou Staff news, Levin-Ep starts his new job for Capitol Teas as Website and Social Media Director. Good work Levin-Ep, tear it up brotha!!!!!
Bill, Martha, and Lori recently went down to Sarasota, Florida to visit Al & Ev, who are doing very well and very excited for the summer and this years huge Alumni Reunion!!!!! Bobby and Jerry just completed a road trip across the country to LA!!! They had an amazing time, saw great country, and spent a couple of days in and around the LA area.
As you can see things are rocking and rolling here in Wayland and we got a couple events coming up. We have Ben Stoloffs varsity basketball game, Gabe Peckler's Newton travel basketball game this weekend, Aaron Cohen's play entitled The Music Man, and Gregory Nemrows Hockey game.
Again if you have any games, plays, etc. coming up, let us know, we would love to make it.
Take care and keep in touch!!!!!
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