192 days, 4,608 hours, 276,480 minutes, and 16,588,800 seconds until camp beings. THAT'S NOTHING. Rotman here, back again after Lori's epic blog post. That was a nice change of pace, thanks Lori. We hope everyone is doing well and enjoying this holiday season. I'm sure you guys are overloaded with final exams and papers, so I'm glad you're taking a break and catching up on some Caribou news. If you're bored, check this video out Levin-Ep just sent me, its pretty sick!!
The Countdown to Camp Calendars are out!!!
In Caribou news: I was recently at the Mountain Hoop Classic watching Joe Geller's Blair Academy basketball team vs. Andover. It was an absolute blowout, 79-38, Blair Academy took it to the house. The beast that is Joe Geller was ripping every rebound and creating absolute havoc under the hoop. Great playin' Joe. Tyler Swartz also competed in the tournament for Rivers, and from what I hear, Tyler played real well. A little side note: during Joe's game, in walked Ray Allen. No idea why he was there, but I'm assuming he must have heard Caribou Alumnus Joe Geller was playing ball and he had to check it out.
Up at camp: The weather has been pretty nice up until this week. The winter season definitely has begun at camp. The tennis courts are moving along nicely as the paving will begin in the spring!!! Frank says hi to all.
Have a great rest of the holiday season. Keep in touch.
Welcome to the Caribou Blog
Caribou Nation... this is your spot for all the latest Caribou News
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Monday, December 5, 2011
A new voice on the Blog scene...and a new Planet with water?!
Hey Caribouinians, Caribouites, Caribou Nation--
How is everybody doing?! Hope all is well! This is Lori :) --- Rotman and I thought we'd mix it up a little bit and take turns Blogging. I'm very excited as this is my first ever Blog post and hopefully it'll be the first of many.. So, I thought I'd just give you a quick update as to what's going on in the office here..we've been really busy! Bill has been back and forth from New York City, Westchester, NY and New Jersey seeing lots of potential families. We'll have some awesome new Caribou kids to bring into "the circle" this summer.
Current campers, keep your eyes on the mail because you should be expecting a little something for the New Year from us pretty soon! It's been a beautiful day here in Wayland today, it feels like an early spring day..so mild and strange for December, but I'll take it! Rotman is sad because he loves the snow and is keeping his fingers crossed for some good skiing weather, but I'm the opposite and I'm hoping the snow just forgets about us this winter.. I'm really not looking forward to digging my car out! Despite the warm weather, Rotman is still skiing the East.. he was up at Killington Mountain this past weekend and although there was hardly any snow, he still had a great time in the beautiful scenery and is looking forward to more ski trips this winter. Last year, he ran into Caribou camper Ryan Silverstein on the slopes!
So, the last thing I want to mention today is about the article I just read about the Planet that could have water on it.. I find space and the universe so interesting.. I think about it a lot when I'm up at Camp, and the night sky is so bright and full of stars..it really makes you feel small in the world..but in a good way! Isn't this a beautiful picture of the Caribou night sky that Neil Coffey took?? He's so talented, check out his own website. Read the Planet article that this links to above, it's pretty cool stuff. So, thanks for reading..I'll be back soon! :)
How is everybody doing?! Hope all is well! This is Lori :) --- Rotman and I thought we'd mix it up a little bit and take turns Blogging. I'm very excited as this is my first ever Blog post and hopefully it'll be the first of many.. So, I thought I'd just give you a quick update as to what's going on in the office here..we've been really busy! Bill has been back and forth from New York City, Westchester, NY and New Jersey seeing lots of potential families. We'll have some awesome new Caribou kids to bring into "the circle" this summer.
Current campers, keep your eyes on the mail because you should be expecting a little something for the New Year from us pretty soon! It's been a beautiful day here in Wayland today, it feels like an early spring day..so mild and strange for December, but I'll take it! Rotman is sad because he loves the snow and is keeping his fingers crossed for some good skiing weather, but I'm the opposite and I'm hoping the snow just forgets about us this winter.. I'm really not looking forward to digging my car out! Despite the warm weather, Rotman is still skiing the East.. he was up at Killington Mountain this past weekend and although there was hardly any snow, he still had a great time in the beautiful scenery and is looking forward to more ski trips this winter. Last year, he ran into Caribou camper Ryan Silverstein on the slopes!
So, the last thing I want to mention today is about the article I just read about the Planet that could have water on it.. I find space and the universe so interesting.. I think about it a lot when I'm up at Camp, and the night sky is so bright and full of stars..it really makes you feel small in the world..but in a good way! Isn't this a beautiful picture of the Caribou night sky that Neil Coffey took?? He's so talented, check out his own website. Read the Planet article that this links to above, it's pretty cool stuff. So, thanks for reading..I'll be back soon! :)
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Caribou back from Thanskgiving
We hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving. Caribou is now back in the swing of things, rocking and rolling. IT'S GREAT TO BE BACK. Over Thanksgiving, the entire Lerman clan got together up in Gloucester Mass. Bobby L. flew in from LA for the festivities. He is doing real well!! He just joined a running group called the Santa Monica Mountain Goats and is continuing to tutor college students in Spanish. Talia, soccer staff member in '09 & '10, just got back from a year long travel adventure. Talia worked for a Grass Roots soccer program in South Africa. She had an amazing time and is psyched to be back in the USA. The Wayland headquarters is at full capacity right now. Bill is back from camp after working on the new tennis courts. Lori is doing great, she actually has been dreaming about being at camp lately and really misses it!!! Stella is gearing up for the snow season!!! Rotman is strapping into the ski's this weekend for the first time this year and heading up to Killington. And Martha says "its cool to be nice at Camp Caribou" and says "Hi" to all.
The pic to the left was taken last week by Frankie. Thanks Frank!!
Camper News: Jay Maxwell is playing loads of Tennis and competing in tons of tournaments. Micah G-L who started playing soccer this summer with JRob and RRS, has made his schools soccer team and they are currently undefeated. Barber has been getting his music on, playing the drums, the bass, and the guitar. Now only if we can get that this summer, our campfires are going to be rocking. Obvislouly we love hearing from you guys, so keep us updates.
Take care and have a great end of the fall season!!!
The pic to the left was taken last week by Frankie. Thanks Frank!!
Camper News: Jay Maxwell is playing loads of Tennis and competing in tons of tournaments. Micah G-L who started playing soccer this summer with JRob and RRS, has made his schools soccer team and they are currently undefeated. Barber has been getting his music on, playing the drums, the bass, and the guitar. Now only if we can get that this summer, our campfires are going to be rocking. Obvislouly we love hearing from you guys, so keep us updates.
Take care and have a great end of the fall season!!!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
New Tennis Courts... Underway!!!!
The summer of 2012 may be 220 days away.. But we're already gearing up. Bill, Frankie, and Steve are up at camp right now laying down the foundation to three new hard court tennis courts. The small baseball field will be moved to the new field right next to the theater. BIG TIME MOVES GOING DOWN. Here are some photos of whats going on at camp.
Critics reviewed: Dan Rabinovtz of the Needham Times (Louie and Peters Dad) "5 Stars for Louie" Alex Rotman of the Caribou Droppings "Breathtaking."
Louie was awesome!!! But the best part was that he created his character to be this cross of Al Pacino and John Belushi. INCREDIBLE. GREAT JOB LOUIE. I was hoping he was going to break out the "bernie" but we'll save that for the summer.
In other Camper News: Noah Kaplan has his hands full playing lacrosse and swimming 5 days a week. Devin Rosen, running back and corner back for Roxbury Latin, is wrapping up his football season. John Wilkins is about to pull a Michael Phelps in Louisiana, as he recently qualified to compete for the state swim meet for his high school. Jaime Bonomo recently made the Mass Lacrosse Team. BOOM!!! And Max Kaufman recently organized a carnival for homeless children at his temple in New York. Hey guys, email info@campcaribou.com and let us know what you're up.
Staff News: BIG NEWS FOR 2012...Matt Leathley and Oli Sproates are back for next summer!!!
Thanks for are all the updates guys. Keep them coming. BOU YAH!
Monday, November 7, 2011
A bonkers Boston Reunion
Hey guys, it was awesome seeing everyone yesterday at the Boston Reunion!! We had a tremendous turnout and a great time. Things kicked off at Fun & Games where guys loaded up on tons of tokens and won some ridiculous prizes.
Some to note: Lucas Long and Ben Zimmerman won a Tiger Rug, and thus have decided to have a jungle themed cabin this summer. Jake Colburn won inflatable shoes that possibly Shaq could have fit in. Gabe Peckler won a massive inflatable banana. Cam Baker took home a giant alien and Miles Backer had a little too much fun with his dart gun.
We then shifted the crew over to the Crowne Plaza. There we had the classic chicken tenders, french fires, and ice cream sundaes. After lunch we had the World Premier of the DVD Yearbook and a picture slideshow of the 2011 Summer. The fun didn't stop there as we then handed out the Caribou Reunion T-Shirts "Boum 2012" Overall it was great seeing everyone, big ups to Harry Zolot, David Barber, Joey T., Ryan Rosen-Smith, Boden Dock, Max Kaufman, John Wilkins, John White, and Charlie Shapiro for making the big trek in for the Reunion.

Staff Update: Ryan Rosen-Smith is an EMT at Umass - Amherst and working sporting events and concerts. Cookies is scoring all sorts of touchdowns for the Sharon Eagles. And Adam Block claims he is in recording studios with Wiz Khalifa (that's Block for you).
Phili we'll see you this Sunday!!!
Friday, October 28, 2011
Happy Halloween Caribou
WHHHATTT IS UPPPP Caribou Nation!!! Its a Friday and we're bloggin. We hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the fall season. Up here in Boston we had our first snow last night, UNREAL, winter is certainly around the corner. But don't get to down, we've got the Boston and Phili Reunions coming right up.
So, just a quick reminder... The Boston Reunion is planned to be an epic event with Joey T comin' in from Western Mass and John White making the trip down from Maine. We've got arcades, laser tag, chicken fingers and french fries, and of course the ice cream sundaes, YAHHHH LETS GOOO. The Reunion will be on November 6th at Fun & Games.
The Phili Reunion isn't holding anything back this year, as this year we'll be throwing it down on the basketball hard wood, playing tennis, and of course watching the Caribou DVD. The Reunion will be November 13th at the Arthur Ashe Youth Tennis Center.
All reunion attendees will receive the 2012 Caribou Reunion T-Shirt, which Jigz is proudly wearing in the photo. BOUM!!!!!
A little Caribou News: Mitch Kaufman is loving life down at Tulane University. Mitch is competing on a football and basketball intramural team and is in first place in both leagues. BOU YAH.. Bobby Lerman is doing big things in LA, tutoring college students in Spanish. Matthew Kimmelstiel is doing real well in his fall baseball league and will be wrapping up the season next weekend. Get after it Matthew!!! Marshall Knight who is on the Weston Pop Warner B Team will be playing Wayland this Sunday, which Rotman and Lori will be in attendance at and making their presence known!!! If you have any upcoming games, please let us know as we love to cheer on the Caribou Family!!
Keep in touch and see you at the Reunions..
So, just a quick reminder... The Boston Reunion is planned to be an epic event with Joey T comin' in from Western Mass and John White making the trip down from Maine. We've got arcades, laser tag, chicken fingers and french fries, and of course the ice cream sundaes, YAHHHH LETS GOOO. The Reunion will be on November 6th at Fun & Games.
The Phili Reunion isn't holding anything back this year, as this year we'll be throwing it down on the basketball hard wood, playing tennis, and of course watching the Caribou DVD. The Reunion will be November 13th at the Arthur Ashe Youth Tennis Center.
All reunion attendees will receive the 2012 Caribou Reunion T-Shirt, which Jigz is proudly wearing in the photo. BOUM!!!!!
A little Caribou News: Mitch Kaufman is loving life down at Tulane University. Mitch is competing on a football and basketball intramural team and is in first place in both leagues. BOU YAH.. Bobby Lerman is doing big things in LA, tutoring college students in Spanish. Matthew Kimmelstiel is doing real well in his fall baseball league and will be wrapping up the season next weekend. Get after it Matthew!!! Marshall Knight who is on the Weston Pop Warner B Team will be playing Wayland this Sunday, which Rotman and Lori will be in attendance at and making their presence known!!! If you have any upcoming games, please let us know as we love to cheer on the Caribou Family!!
Keep in touch and see you at the Reunions..
Friday, October 14, 2011
The Reunions are set!!!!
YOOOO Caribou Nation what's good in the neighborhood. We hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the fall season!!! If you didn't know already our Boston and Philadelphia Reunions are set, SWAG. The Boston Reunion will be held on November 6th starting at Fun & Games at 11am and wrapping up at the Crown Plaza around 2pm. The Philadelphia Reunion will be held on November 13th from 1-3pm at the at the Arthur Ashe Youth Tennis Center. Come one, call all. We will be handing out the Caribou 2012 T-shirts, which are ridiculous this year, and premiering the 2011 Video Yearbook!!! Please RSVP to info@campcaribou.com to let us know if you are coming to either or both reunions.
Caribou Staff Update:
Caribou Staff Update:
Miles Canning is getting geared up for his massive birthday blowout on October 22nd. Its going to be a Caribou English Reunion as Alix Kirkland, Oli Sproates, Dan Lythgoe, Transporter, and Craig Wilcox will all be getting together to celebrate Miles’ birthday!!! Have guys.
Caribou Headquarter News:
Bill is currently up at camp, catching up with Frank and checking on the peninsula. Rotman is heading over to Needham High School to see Aaron Cohen play some freshman football. GO ROCKETS!!! BOOM.. BLAST OFF TIME. And Stella is just chilling thinking about camp and missing it A LOT....
Keep in touch everyone, let us know if you have any upcoming games, and see you at the Reunions!!!
Monday, October 3, 2011
OHHHHHH, LETS GET IT the Caribou blog is back and ready for the fall season. We hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the new school year. First of all, do you guys miss camp as much as we do?!?! And second, the Caribou office is officially down in Wayland, MA and already gearing up for the 2012 summer. UNREAL!!!!
A little Caribou update for all y'all. Bill will be tearing up the east coast this month hitting New York City and South Florida, visiting potential new Caribou families. Martha had a little miss step while on a jog a couple of weeks ago and injured her calf muscle. However, don't worry, take a deep breath, Martha is just fine and will be ready for her traditional road run next summer!! In the mean time, everyone should take a run for her as she recovers. Bobby is keeping his swag on, obviously, and getting ready to hit the road for LA. Bobby will be teaching Spanish again and living in Culver City. Lori is doing real well, getting excited for her upcoming birthday, and chillin' with Stella (who says hi to all of Caribou Nation). And Rotman just got back from a Camp Directors camp up at Camp Belknap in New Hampshire. Rotman, by the way,wears his CMCL snap back everywhere, even to bed.
Overall, things are rockin', we're real busy. Keep in touch, study hard, tear up the fields, and represent the Bou,
A little Caribou update for all y'all. Bill will be tearing up the east coast this month hitting New York City and South Florida, visiting potential new Caribou families. Martha had a little miss step while on a jog a couple of weeks ago and injured her calf muscle. However, don't worry, take a deep breath, Martha is just fine and will be ready for her traditional road run next summer!! In the mean time, everyone should take a run for her as she recovers. Bobby is keeping his swag on, obviously, and getting ready to hit the road for LA. Bobby will be teaching Spanish again and living in Culver City. Lori is doing real well, getting excited for her upcoming birthday, and chillin' with Stella (who says hi to all of Caribou Nation). And Rotman just got back from a Camp Directors camp up at Camp Belknap in New Hampshire. Rotman, by the way,wears his CMCL snap back everywhere, even to bed.
Overall, things are rockin', we're real busy. Keep in touch, study hard, tear up the fields, and represent the Bou,
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Slice of Heaven 2011
What's up Caribou Nation!!! What a tremendous summer so far. With great weather, tremendous programming, tons of sports tournaments, awesome campers, and fun staff, its a perfect recipe for an unbelievable summer. Where do we start, so much has happened since we started things up.
From Campfires filled with great cheers, songs, and skits, to the Cookie Bowl, to the outstanding July 4th Fireworks, to an awesome Survivor Day (the juniors winning the final fire challenge over the seniors for the first time in four years!!!), The Lip Sync (Congratulations to Bunk B5 and Bunk 7 for winning), and of the course the Caribou Olympics with Spain pulling out the BIG win.
Today, the seniors are out White Water Rafting down the Kennebec River and the Juniors are at the Waterville Pool!!! Everyone is getting real excited for the upcoming Visiting Day on Saturday and the RoundBall Classic (Camp wide 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament) on Sunday. Big things are happening!!!
We hope everyone is doing well and enjoying their summers. Keep in touch. Bou-Yah
From Campfires filled with great cheers, songs, and skits, to the Cookie Bowl, to the outstanding July 4th Fireworks, to an awesome Survivor Day (the juniors winning the final fire challenge over the seniors for the first time in four years!!!), The Lip Sync (Congratulations to Bunk B5 and Bunk 7 for winning), and of the course the Caribou Olympics with Spain pulling out the BIG win.
Today, the seniors are out White Water Rafting down the Kennebec River and the Juniors are at the Waterville Pool!!! Everyone is getting real excited for the upcoming Visiting Day on Saturday and the RoundBall Classic (Camp wide 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament) on Sunday. Big things are happening!!!
We hope everyone is doing well and enjoying their summers. Keep in touch. Bou-Yah
Monday, June 20, 2011
Staff Orientation Under Way

Yesterday, David Jack, the ultimate fitness guru himself stopped by the 'Bou and trained the Caribou Staff. It was a grueling, yet educational, three hours of an insane fitness Thanks Dave for a great morning, you're nuts, but WE LOVED IT.
Today, the Caribou Staff had the privilege of welcoming Steve Maguire, a motivational speaker. Tonight, we'll be having bunk night and then campfire, its starting to feel like summer. And tommorro, we will be putting on the final touches to peninsula.
OOHHHH... How could I forget. Tomorrow, Dan Nino and Kuba are arriving. THE SUMMER HAS BEGUN... SEE YOU GUYS SOON. BOOM
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Start the count down

We've got people rolling in all week. Sue and Ron recently made the trek up from Florida. Anthony Bonaddio arrived at the 'Bou last night, lookin' all ready for camp, hasn't cut his hair since last summer, its a site to see. Charlie and Nicole Rotman are next on deck to arrive tomorrow, then on Thursday the entire Caribou Staff will be 100%!!!
The summer schedule is taking shape, Cookie Bowl is in place, the Roundball Classic is back, Survivor Day is making a return, the summer olympics are in the works, and Colorwar can break at any moment!!!
The summer is here, and its time for Camp. See you soon. BOU YAH
Thursday, June 2, 2011
22 days left until the Big Show

This past Memorial Day Weekend we had loads of people come and visit. Martha, Jerry, Brian Hershey, Jeff Weinstein, Adam Fischer, and Levin-Ep all made the trek up to the 'Bou. It was a jam packed weekend full of family, friends, home run derby, basketball, and good food.
This upcoming weekend Lori will be heading to Skidmore for her college reunion, There she will be meeting up with Joanna and Alex Kantor, two Caribou Staff Alums. HAVE FUN LORI!!!!!
We can't believe we are 22 days away from camp starting. UNREAL. keep in touch!!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Bull Crew Goes Hard

Today... Bill, Raffa, and Transporter got into beast mode and cut 4 truck loads of wood from the new archery field. Al and Rotman got their Mr. Clean on and situated all the bunks. And Lori and Kirsty held down the office like there was no tomorrow. The final piece to the Bull Crew, Bobby L., will be arriving on Thursday, and then we will be kicking on all cylinders. Martha and Jerry say hi to everyone. Keep in touch, 38 days and counting.....
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Good to be Back!!!

The Bull crew is doing big time work... but the biggest story line of the pre-season is Caribou's new archery field. Bill and Frank have been cutting down trees and leveling the land off for the newest addition to the Caribou peninsula. It's coming along real quickly and we're all real excited!!!
On Monday, Kirsty and Al will be heading up to the Bou to roll up their sleeves and join the bull crew. Then late next week, Bobby Badlands Lerman will be making the journey from LA to Caribou to round off the pre-season crew. We can't believe we are 41 days away from things starting up. Tear up the rest of the school year and see you guys real soon!!!
Monday, May 2, 2011
Camp Caribou Fundraiser
Oh what a weekend that was!!! Caribou hosted a fundraiser car wash at Liberty Pizza in Wayland, MA this past Sunday in support of the "Save the Children of Japan" organization and the efforts of the American Red Cross disaster relief for those in need after the Tornado Outbreak of last week. The Caribou car washers were in full force: Tyler Swartz, Adam Block, Mitch Kaufman, Max Lobel, Charlie Rotman, Henry Forman, Jay Maxwell, Jack Long, Lucas Long, Dylan Hyde, Cam Hyde, Parker Dow, Sam Cohen, Alex Cohen, Bill, Martha, Lori, Jerry and Rotman all came out for a great cause.
Adam Block, while washing a SUV, was quoted "This feels really good to know that we’re helping those who are suffering in Japan." Tyler Swartz who was one of many giving 110% on the streets of Wayland promoting the cause said, "It felt great being part of this great cause. Coming together with my camp friends and helping other kids around the world made me realize that we really can make a difference.”
The day couldn't have been more perfect with the sun shining and loads of Wayland residents coming out in big way to support these great causes. In this two hour event, we raised $500 dollars for the children of Japan!!! And it doesn't even stop there as Caribou will be matching the proceeds and donating to the American Red Cross - Alabama Disaster Relief Fund. Though this couldn't have happened with out the big support from Liberty Pizza, we want to give them a big THANK YOU from the entire Caribou family!!!
We even had special guests come by... Alumni Derek Brisson, Ben Damm, and Eric Goldberg (GOLDIE), thanks for coming out guys and supporting the Bou!!
The day couldn't have been more perfect with the sun shining and loads of Wayland residents coming out in big way to support these great causes. In this two hour event, we raised $500 dollars for the children of Japan!!! And it doesn't even stop there as Caribou will be matching the proceeds and donating to the American Red Cross - Alabama Disaster Relief Fund. Though this couldn't have happened with out the big support from Liberty Pizza, we want to give them a big THANK YOU from the entire Caribou family!!!
We even had special guests come by... Alumni Derek Brisson, Ben Damm, and Eric Goldberg (GOLDIE), thanks for coming out guys and supporting the Bou!!
It was great to see everyone out there yesterday. We hope everyone is doing well, keep in touch, tear up the rest of the school year, and do big things. Bou-Yah
Friday, April 29, 2011
Caribou Going International
WHAT UPPPPPPPPPPPP guys and gals of Caribou Nation!!!! Here in Wayland, MA the skies are blue, the grass is green, the daffodils are blooming, and the sun is shinning!!!!! WHOA... I think it's safe to say that spring is in full gear and summer is fast approaching. YOOO, quick side note, we're 56 days away from being back on the peninsula, and before you know it we will be enjoying Sue's food, swimming in Pattees Pond, and enjoying a slice of heaven in 2011!!!
Camper Update: Exciting news over in Hong Kong. Cole Cutlip's baseball team, the "Tai Tam Hawks", just won the Hong Kong Little League Challenge Cup. Cutlip hit 2 doubles and was the winning pitcher in the championship game!! The Tai Tam Baseball Club put an "All Star" team together to compete in the Challenge Cup as the Tai Tam "Hawks". Cole started at 3rd base and ended up pitching the last 2.5 innings of an exciting come from behind win in the championship game! We're all real proud of Cole, WAY TO REPRESENT THE BOU!!!
Quick Reminder: We just wanted invite everyone down to our Car Wash Fundraiser. Camp Caribou is supporting the Children of Japan this Sunday May 1st at Liberty Pizza in Wayland, MA from 1-3pm. Lets wash some cars and support those in need.
Hey, if you guys have any special events coming in the next week (sports games, plays, etc.) we would love come out and cheer you on.
Have a great rest of the school year, keep in touch, and see you at the Bou real soon!!!
Camper Update: Exciting news over in Hong Kong. Cole Cutlip's baseball team, the "Tai Tam Hawks", just won the Hong Kong Little League Challenge Cup. Cutlip hit 2 doubles and was the winning pitcher in the championship game!! The Tai Tam Baseball Club put an "All Star" team together to compete in the Challenge Cup as the Tai Tam "Hawks". Cole started at 3rd base and ended up pitching the last 2.5 innings of an exciting come from behind win in the championship game! We're all real proud of Cole, WAY TO REPRESENT THE BOU!!!
Quick Reminder: We just wanted invite everyone down to our Car Wash Fundraiser. Camp Caribou is supporting the Children of Japan this Sunday May 1st at Liberty Pizza in Wayland, MA from 1-3pm. Lets wash some cars and support those in need.
Hey, if you guys have any special events coming in the next week (sports games, plays, etc.) we would love come out and cheer you on.
Have a great rest of the school year, keep in touch, and see you at the Bou real soon!!!
Monday, April 25, 2011
Things are getting real HYPED up!!!!!
Caribou Nation... UMMMMM it's April 25th and we're now 60 days away from gettin' back on the peninsula. WHOA, LET'S GET IT!!!!!! Before we start blogging hard, we hope that everyone had a great Easter and Happy Passover. The Caribou headquarters is in full gear and clicking on all cylinders. This Sunday, May 1st, please join the Caribou Family for a fund raising car wash at Liberty Pizza in Wayland, MA from 1-3pm to support the "Save the Children - Japan". It's going to be a great event for a great cause.
This past week, some big time traveling was done all around North America. Martha and Lori went down to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico and met up with Bobby L. and Mark Pracy. There... some big boy names got together and had an absolute unreal time: Jorge Pelayo, Nino, Martin Parra, Jerry Lopez, Rafa, Sergio, Polo Torres, and Felipe Reyes. It was an amazing trip, filled with great weather and good times with friends and family.
Bill, Jerry and Mike Day the camp plumber plus 15 other canoeing enthusiasts, ventured on an 8 day white water canoe trip on the San Juan river in Moab, Utah. The weather was gorgeous, the red rock canyons were absolutely breath taking, and the class 2 and 3 white water was EXHILARATING. They paddled 110 miles down the river while observing big horn sheep, mule deer, peregrine falcons, osprey, and golden eagles. The camp sites along the river offered lots of shelter in amongst the salt cedar trees. The menu was outstanding highlighted by beef tenderloin over the grille, baked salmon, and homemade meatballs. Keep this trip in mind for next year, as we are certain that entire families would love the experience!!!
Rotman and Fischer recently went on a 3995 mile road trip around the southeastern part of the US. The trip encompassed camping in the George Washington National Forrest and Talladega National Forrest, solid country music in Nashville, TN, brass bands and Jambalaya in New Orleans, and a quick visit to Annapolis, MD to check out Levin-Ep's new digs. What an outstanding trip, awesome to be on the open road, and great to see Levin-Ep and Weinstein on the tail end of the trip.
Camp News... ICE OUT was wicked late, this year. April 13th was when the pond flipped. Frankie has been busy setting up the water lines, clearing all the brush, and lots more spring clean up. Bill, Bobby, Rafa, Frank Picone, Transporter, Al Harding, Kirsty, will all be arriving in early May to form the traditional Bull Crew
We hope your having a fabulous end of the school year... can't wait to see you at the BOU
This past week, some big time traveling was done all around North America. Martha and Lori went down to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico and met up with Bobby L. and Mark Pracy. There... some big boy names got together and had an absolute unreal time: Jorge Pelayo, Nino, Martin Parra, Jerry Lopez, Rafa, Sergio, Polo Torres, and Felipe Reyes. It was an amazing trip, filled with great weather and good times with friends and family.
Bill, Jerry and Mike Day the camp plumber plus 15 other canoeing enthusiasts, ventured on an 8 day white water canoe trip on the San Juan river in Moab, Utah. The weather was gorgeous, the red rock canyons were absolutely breath taking, and the class 2 and 3 white water was EXHILARATING. They paddled 110 miles down the river while observing big horn sheep, mule deer, peregrine falcons, osprey, and golden eagles. The camp sites along the river offered lots of shelter in amongst the salt cedar trees. The menu was outstanding highlighted by beef tenderloin over the grille, baked salmon, and homemade meatballs. Keep this trip in mind for next year, as we are certain that entire families would love the experience!!!
Rotman and Fischer recently went on a 3995 mile road trip around the southeastern part of the US. The trip encompassed camping in the George Washington National Forrest and Talladega National Forrest, solid country music in Nashville, TN, brass bands and Jambalaya in New Orleans, and a quick visit to Annapolis, MD to check out Levin-Ep's new digs. What an outstanding trip, awesome to be on the open road, and great to see Levin-Ep and Weinstein on the tail end of the trip.
Camp News... ICE OUT was wicked late, this year. April 13th was when the pond flipped. Frankie has been busy setting up the water lines, clearing all the brush, and lots more spring clean up. Bill, Bobby, Rafa, Frank Picone, Transporter, Al Harding, Kirsty, will all be arriving in early May to form the traditional Bull Crew
We hope your having a fabulous end of the school year... can't wait to see you at the BOU
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Summer is Coming!!!!

The snow has melted, the skies are clearing, and before you know we will be up at the 'Bou tearing things up. Bill, Martha, Lori, and Rotman have been doing big things at the Caribou Headquarters, and actually gearing up to make the move up to Maine real soon. Up at camp, Frankie reports, the grass is turning green, the lake is starting to take its mid-summer form, and he is taking archery lessons. Be ready to see Frank pull a Robin Hood this summer. No, he won't be wearing green tights and have a feather in his hat, but the guy can hit the bulls-eye!!!
Upcoming Events... Caribou is supporting the Children of Japan as they recover from the tragic earthquake of a couple weeks ago. Please join Bill, Martha, Lori, Jerry, and Rotman on May 1st at Liberty Pizza in Wayland, MA to wash some cars and support the Save the Children-Japan.
We hope all is well. Keep in touch... 71 days until camp!!! BOOM
Monday, March 28, 2011
The Camp Caribou Blog is Back!!!

We are now 88 days away from the 2011 summer officially starting up!!!
In some Caribou News, Joey T. just had his birthday, good work, I'm proud of you, really I am!!! Bobby and Pracy were hangin' out in LA this past week thinking of ways to improve the Native American Experience club. Bill and Rotman were up in Manchester, NH for a camping conference just shaking the trees and rattling the bushes. Stella is really excited for the summer and says hi to the entire Caribou Family!!! Lori is Fantastic and Martha gives hugs to all!!!
Keep in touch.. BOOM
Friday, March 18, 2011
Happy Belated St. Patricks Day!!!
Caribou Nation you bet your bottom dollar it's March 18th, so tighten that belt buckle and strap those shoes a little tighter, we are heading into the spring season with full steam. The snow has melted, the skies are clearing, and the atmosphere is becoming electric!!! We at the Caribou Headquarters are certainly jumpin' and jivin' with the thought of the 'BOU right around the corner. If you want to Jump and Jive as well, GET AFTER IT, its fun, maybe even get your parents to join you. Or if your really jacked up, grab your neighbors, turn up the music, put on your dancing shoes on, and start a block party!!!
In our NCAA Bracket Challenge, Sam Krentzman is currently in the lead after the first day of play, KRENTZMAN OOHHHHHH. Although, you never know what's going to happen, it's Madness, it's OUtraGeous, its Caribou!!!!
In some Social Media News: If you have a twitter account you should definitely start following Camp Caribou. And I know we have a facebook friend page, but things are going to start transferring over to our fan page, so if you haven't liked us on facebook yet, Bill thinks you should get on that train.!!!!
I hope everyone has a great weekend. Enjoy the warm weather where ever you are. ROCK ON
In our NCAA Bracket Challenge, Sam Krentzman is currently in the lead after the first day of play, KRENTZMAN OOHHHHHH. Although, you never know what's going to happen, it's Madness, it's OUtraGeous, its Caribou!!!!
In some Social Media News: If you have a twitter account you should definitely start following Camp Caribou. And I know we have a facebook friend page, but things are going to start transferring over to our fan page, so if you haven't liked us on facebook yet, Bill thinks you should get on that train.!!!!
I hope everyone has a great weekend. Enjoy the warm weather where ever you are. ROCK ON
Friday, March 11, 2011
New Ideas are a Brewin'
OOOOHHHH hey now it's FRIDAY!!!!! Yup the weekend has dawned upon us and we're thinking big things will happen. First of all, I know it's raining in Boston all weekend, but that means only one thing, its snowing up north!!!! Rotman will be racin' and chasin' up at Killington. So, if anyone is up in Vermont and looking to carve up some mountain power give Rotman a scream.
In Camper News: last night March Madness truly began in Needham, MA. Aaron Cohen brought his talents to the Pollard Middle School as his St. Josephs basketball team competed in the first round of the playoffs. Aaron absolutely brought his "A" game and tore things up. It was outrageous!!! OK, let me create a mental image, if you put Kobes' aggressiveness, Larry Birds soft touch, Kevin Garnett's intensity, Shaq's big daddy status, and roll that up into one player, you get Aaron Cohen last night. YUP. Though his team did suffer a loss 45-35. Aaron will play next on Saturday. Good Luck Brotha!!!!
So, currently we are 97 days away from Camp starting up and the ideas are stating to flow. Here is a new program idea. The Caribou Decatholon. This will be a bunk competition with a Junior and Senior divisions. Bunks will go around the peninsula testing their individual skills. Challenges will include long jump, shot putt, high jump, discus, 40 yard dash, best meal, written test, academic debate, and a final event of a bunk cheer. Now, lets take the long jump challenge. Each member of the group will try a long jump, all the scores will be counted and averaged out, so each bunk will have one score. This will be done at each station. At the end of the day all bunks will present their cheer and The Bunk of the Summer will be awarded. I'm thinking this could be sick. Respond if you want you got some ideas on this.
I'm also thinking about a new club for club night. International Dance. Every week we will try a different type of dancing. Hip-Hop Dancing, Contra, Ballroom, tap, line, modern, swing, western, and the list goes one. It's going to be AWESOME and Ridiculous!!!!!!
Staff News: Chris Moehringer, Caribou Alum and overall great guy is coming back and joining the hockey staff!!! Welcome back Bigs. Also making a return..Eric Lopez is back for more. Lopez will be bringing his talents to the Caribou gym!!!
Hey have a great weekend... Keep in touch... BOOM
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Zach Fink Making a Big Impact
Harriton junior Fink selling ‘Powerful Pancakes’ to raise awareness, funds for detection of Lyme Disease
By Chris GoldbergPhillylacrosse.com, Posted 2/1/11
Zach Fink has discovered a worthwhile way to help fight Lyme Disease, a disease that has significantly impacted his life and one be believes is a threat to many other lacrosse players.
Fink, a junior lacrosse standout at Harriton, has been dealing with Lyme Disease for two years. The disease has caused him excessive fatigue, and has affected his schoolwork and athletics.
Because his grandmother and younger brother also have endured advanced Lyme Disease, Fink has become an advocate for Lyme awareness. He says the disease is somewhat of a mystery because many victims don’t know they have it and most have varying symptoms.
Fink has created a business to help educate others and also raise money funds to support research and cures to treat the epidemic of Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses in the region. He and his family recently launched “Fink’s Powerful Pancakes” at www.powerfulpancakes.com. Fifty percent of the proceeds from the business go to the fight against Lyme Disease.
The dry pancake mix, available online at $3.95 a package (8 ounces makes 18-24 pancakes), are made with no preservatives and mostly from organic ingredients with some whole grains. The recipe, created by Fink’s mother, is a hit with Fink’s friends.
Powerful Pancakes provide 16-20% of the daily recommended doses for fiber, and have high levels of calcium, iron and Vitamin A. The pancake mix is licensed with the Department of Agriculture.
“My friends always raved about the pancakes and said we should sell them,” said Fink, who also plays club lacrosse for Rebel Elite. “Then, once the whole Lyme Disease thing happened, I had more of a motivation to get the pancake business going.”
“Not only are we hoping to make a profit and promote good nutrition, but 50 percent goes to Lyme Disease awareness.”
Fink was diagnosed with Lyme Disease and Babesia during the spring of 2009 after many months of exhaustion that caused an inability to sleep, severe fatigue, breathing issues and a number of other odd symptoms. He took antibiotics and anti-malaria drugs for over 8 months before his symptoms cleared and he did not fully recover until last spring.
Both Lyme Disease and Babesia are transmitted though tick bites. Lyme is a bacterial infection which is treated with antibiotics but Babesia is a protozoan infection of the red blood cell in the malaria family which requires anti-malaria drugs.
Why is Lyme Disease a big issue for lacrosse players? Fink believes that because lacrosse players play on grass fields, walk through wooded areas to get to fields and often chase balls in wooded area where ticks collect, they are often exposed.
Pennsylvania and New Jersey are two of the top five states in the nation reporting the most Lyme Disease cases each year. The best defense against this disease is awareness of the disease and the symptoms.
These steps should be taken: include regular body checks for ticks – especially in the hair, groin, underarms and back – and knowing that flu symptoms from May to October and all rashes should always be suspected Lyme Disease when evaluating the cause of illness among athletes and their families.
This “awareness” is the focus of Zach Fink’s mission through Powerful Pancakes.
“We want everyone to know there are athletes out there like me that are tired for no reason,” said Fink, an All-Central League Honorable mention performer in 2010 and an Honors student (4.1 GPA). “I found out when I had trouble sleeping at night.
“I didn’t have any immediate bulls-eye rash; just fatigue. I would go on the field and get tired quickly and I didn’t know why. I was in the best shape of my life and I felt I should be able to run mile after mile.
“It was also affecting me in the classroom. I would procrastinate. My brain was always tired and I needed many breaks. I just didn’t feel right.”
Fink’s family has been hit hard by Lyme disease. His grandmother has endured many serious symptoms from long-term neurological problems caused by Lyme– problems with vision, hearing and walking – caused by Lyme for 10 years. His brother, Luke, has had Lyme for two years and also has suffered from neurological problems – causing anger, loss of speech and other related symptoms. Fortunately, his health issues have improved in recent months and he is close to being back to normal.
Fink said that the biggest problem with this disease is that there is no consensus on how to identify it, how to treat it properly, whether it can be chronic or not, or whether it is under treated and under diagnosed because the disease can imitate so many other health problems. To provide the most valuable sources of information, Fink’s website has a list of valuable resources on the web.
“I don’t recall when the tick bit me,” said Fink. “They are so tiny, you probably won’t catch it on you. I could have gotten bit the year before. For some, it (the disease) does not progress quickly.”
One organization, the LDASEPA (Lyme Disease Association of Southeastern Pennsylvania at www. LymePA.org) will be the major beneficiary of the funds raised. The Finks hope to work with that organization to improve the identification of Lyme disease and better treatment of the disease and co-infections.
To help in awareness, Fink is giving his teammates at Harriton a “Tips for Preventing Lyme Disease information sheet” this spring. He is also hoping to distribute information to most of the local Main Line and Pennsylvania high school lacrosse teams and at major lacrosse events throughout the year.
“The commonly prescribed blood test for Lyme Disease is often unreliable and only catches an estimated 30 percent of cases due to inaccuracy.” said Fink. “And the doctors vary from 21 days of antibiotics as a typical treatment to many months of antibiotics until symptoms disappear. There is a lot of disagreement in treatment.”
Monday, March 7, 2011
Caribou Puts on Their Dancing shoes
Caribou Nation.... the weather is heating up and spring is dawning upon us!! A solid Caribou crew was out in full force on Saturday Night as it was Alex Cohen's Bar Mitzvah at Temple Beth Shalom. First of all, Alex was unbelievable, he displayed great poise, and absolutely took the temple by STORM. Great job Alex, we are all proud of you!!!!!!!!
After the service, Northern Lights Entertainment and Caribou turned it up a notch and got thier groove on. Caleb Friedman, Henry Forman, Micah Golomb-Leavitt, Max Lobel, Adam Abrams, Logan Gornbein, Cody Gornbein, Noah Kaplan Jay Maxwell, Aaron Cohen, Chase Gornbein, Ben Retik, Bill, Martha, Lori, Robin Cohen, Val Gornbein, David Gornbein, Rotman, and of course Sam Cohen all put their dancing shoes on and took the place over!!! Between Aaron Cohen's ridiculous dance moves, Abrams showing off his new hair style, Bill giving it his all on the dance floor, and Caribou basically doing big things, I would say it was a pretty outrageous night. We want to thank Gail and Scott for putting on such a fabulous evening!!!!
This week Aaron Cohen will be competing in the St. Josephs Playoffs, so we wish him luck with that. Keep in touch. BOU-YAH!!!
After the service, Northern Lights Entertainment and Caribou turned it up a notch and got thier groove on. Caleb Friedman, Henry Forman, Micah Golomb-Leavitt, Max Lobel, Adam Abrams, Logan Gornbein, Cody Gornbein, Noah Kaplan Jay Maxwell, Aaron Cohen, Chase Gornbein, Ben Retik, Bill, Martha, Lori, Robin Cohen, Val Gornbein, David Gornbein, Rotman, and of course Sam Cohen all put their dancing shoes on and took the place over!!! Between Aaron Cohen's ridiculous dance moves, Abrams showing off his new hair style, Bill giving it his all on the dance floor, and Caribou basically doing big things, I would say it was a pretty outrageous night. We want to thank Gail and Scott for putting on such a fabulous evening!!!!
This week Aaron Cohen will be competing in the St. Josephs Playoffs, so we wish him luck with that. Keep in touch. BOU-YAH!!!
Friday, March 4, 2011
Caribou Is On The Go
YOOO. check the photo of the legend himself MILES BACKER swimmin' like a fish. Michael Phelps WATCH OUT. Backer is currently wrapping up his swimming season and overly pumped for the summer!!!
Big things going on tomorrow at Temple Beth Shalom... Alex Cohen is becoming a Bar Mitzvah. Good luck brotha!!! It's going to be BONKERS!!!
All is well at the Caribou Headquarters... Jerry just got back from an awesome trip in Spain... and things are starting to heat up with the Alumni Reunion as the schedule is about to be released...STAY TUNED.
Have an amazing weekend and Keep in touch!!!
Monday, February 28, 2011
Febraury = What a Month
Caribou Nation... Hey it's Monday, why not have a blog post to jump start the week!!! This past weekend, big time birthdays were celebrated. It began on Friday as Rotman turned the big 2-5, Lori, Fischer, Kantor, and crew did BIG THINGS in Boston. Check out the Caribou Montage Lori put together for Rotman. DIGGIN' the bell. BOU-YAH!!!! It's really not to long until we start hearing the bell again.
Then on Sunday Martha celebrated her birthday at Gargoyles on the Square for a phenomenal dinner and great family fun.
Also this weekend, our own Jeremiah Blitz, took home the New Jersey intramural basketball championship!!! And David Jacobs finshed off his Varsity Basketball season with a 17-2 record. RIDICULOUS. I'm telling you the basketball players that come out of the Caribou Program clean up wherever they play... Man I can't wait for the summer!!!!
In some Alumni news... Fischer and Rotman met up with Alumnus Ben White, who is doing real well, currently at BU Law, but can't stop thinking about the upcoming Alumni Reunion.
On a side note, something I just need to bring up. Next year, the Oscars need to be hosted by Will Ferrell or Vince Vaughn. I'm just throwing that idea out there. You need a stand up comic to host the show. Maybe even Robin Williams or Chris Rock. But check out this video. Could be a sample of next years Oscars.
Keep in touch and have an amazing week!!!
Friday, February 18, 2011
Big Staff News!!!!

OH IT'S FRIDAY!!!!!! What up Caribou Nation, we've got some big news on the staff front, and, YES, this is outrageous. KICK THE TIRES AND LIGHT THE FIRES.. Mark William Pracy is gettin' his Slice of Heaven in 2011!!!!! After a one summer hiatus, Pracy is back and working on the ski staff. And the BIG news doesn't stop there... I KNOW, this is getting ridiculous!!! Anthony Bonaddio is back for more and is holding nothin' back this summer. Welcome back brothah!!!
In other staff / Alumni news: Charlie Rotman, Brad Gelfand, and Adam Werther, all University of Michigan students, are in the final four for their intramural basketball tournament. GUYS... GO HARD...SHOW THE MIDWEST WHAT THE BOU IS ALL ABOUT... AND TAKE IT TO THE HOUSE!!!!
Caribou.. have a great weekend... Keep in touch, and let us know if you have any upcoming sporting events, we would love to try and make it!!!
By the way camp is only 126 days away.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
The Weekend that Shook the World
OHHH YAHHH. What a ridiculous and outrageous weekend the Caribou family just had!!! What up guys and gals. The scene of the crime, New York City, the culprits, a slew of Caribouinians.
Right off the bat, Fischer and Rotman were invited over to the Nissans for a feast fit only for kings. The dinner was amazing, unbelievable food, and really great to see Greg and Marla!!!! Ben we missed you. But again thank you Marla for such great time!!!
On Saturday, Rotman and Fischer headed over to the Murray Ave school for a rockin' camp fair to talk a little about the Caribou program and family. But the real fun started Saturday Night in Greenwich, CT at Planet Pizza. Jacob Savitz, Max Finkelstein, Zach Russell, Charlie Russell, Fischer, and Rotman all got together, talked tons about Olympics and Colorwar, and enjoyed some great pizza!!! It was awesome seeing Savitz and welcoming Finkelstein and the Russell brothers to the Caribou family.
On Sunday, Caribou took over Broadway, where Rotman met up with Max Godnick, Andres Vaamonde, Sam Cox, Dylan Lublin, Jake Lublin, and Ben Landau. The crew headed over to the Manhattan JCC to play some pick-up ball. And from the looks of it... Caribou Basketball is in pretty good hands this summer!!! Andres was ripping the boards, Godnick was dropping teardrops, Landau was hitting buckets, Sam was lighting up the arc, Dylan was using his height and dribbling in circles around people, and well Jake had an injured foot from a hockey game, but he took care of business on the sidelines. Oh and Rotman, well you know how he does things.
After some ball, the crew headed down Broadway for some dinner at Big Daddy's. However, let me tell you one thing, finding parking on Broadway is not the easiest thing. It took a couple of what Rotman calls, "unaturns" to find a spot. Though, at Big Daddy's everyone enjoyed some great hamburgers and milkshakes. However, Jake for some odd reason had to get himself the Barbie Milkshake. GET IT JAKE...
Overall it was a great weekend. Awesome seeing you all!!! And if any of you have any updates for Caribou Nation let us know.
Friday, February 11, 2011
New York & Connecticut Better Watch Out
Caribou Nation... What's good!!!! Lets turn things up a notch and take NYC down. We just wanted to let everyone know that Rotman will be in Larchmont, NY and Greenwich, CT area this weekend. On Saturday he will be at the Murray Ave School from 12-3pm in Larchmont. On Saturday Night, Rotman and the Caribou Greenwich crew will be tearing things up at the Pizza Planet for some dinner @6pm
On Sunday... the fun ain't stoppin', as Rotman will be at the Westchester Reform Temple from 12-3pm. Feel free to join Rotman anytime through out the weekend. I hope to see as many of you as possible!!! ROCK ON..
Check out the Toughness in this photo.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Caribou Heading into the Weekend!!!

Caribou Nation... the weekend is here and yet another snow storm is about to hit the east, UNREAL!!! But that ain't stoppin nothin. Rotman is heading up to Mad River Glen to tear up the slopes and try out his new Line Prophet 90's. Lori is having a little Camp Tapawingo reunion in Boston tonight. And Bill is heading to San Diego for a National Camp Conference. BIG MOVES ALL AROUND.
Camper News: Dan Gittleman-Egan is ripping up the hard wood on two different basketball teams. The Brookline Warriors Metrowest are currently 5-3 and 15th in the state. And Dan is also playing center and averaging 15pts a game for the Lincoln School who are 5-0. WAY TO BE DAN. Represent. See you at the BOU.
YOOO. check out this fresh pic from our trip to New York. Just absolute legend status. Max Kaufman, Levin-Ep, Fischer, and Rotman.
Keep in touch guys. BOOM!!!!! I'm going to leave you guys with one of the most ridiculous videos on youtube!!!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
January Ends with a BANG!!!

Well, what an AWESOME weekend!!! What's upp Caribou?!?!?!?! I hope all is well as we enter the snowy month of Febraury. Caribou's take over of the eastern seaboard was a massive success. DC and New York were no match for Caribou Nation. Down in DC, Bill and Martha and loads of Caribouinians got together at the Rockville Sports Plex. Adam Abrams, Zach Robinson, Jake Cantor (who is an absolute beast, benching 245 pounds), Ross Cantor, Jake Harburg, Mickey Bell (who didn't really wake up until they started playing ball, of course), Ben Gold, Charlie Shapiro, Jake Blumberg, Spencer Blumberg (We hope your foot gets better), Caleb Friedman, Matt Schick, Sam Pearl-Schwartz, David Pearl-Schwartz, Jonnie Voyta, Joey Voyta, Aaron Strauss, Josh Orszag (new to the Caribou family), Aidan Martin, Liam Woo, Jake Woo, and Jake Ford (Schick and Harburg's Friend) were all there for TEARING IT UP. Awesome group of guys. At the reunion they played a little soccer, got some pick-up basketball going, handed out Slice of Heaven T-Shirts, and enjoyed a some great subs from Subway. 5...5...5 dollar foot LOOONNNNGG. Bill and Martha had a great time, awesome to see everyone!!! A special thanks to David Pearl-Schwartz and Zach Robinson.
As Bill and Martha were down in DC, Rotman was on a whirl wind tour in New York City. It all started on Friday night when he arrived in Larchmont to meet up with the Legend himself, Adam Fischer. Thirty minutes after Rotman's arrival, ghost rock material Adam Levin-Epstein, showed up for this weekends festivities. Things really began on Saturday at Friends Seminary for a camp fair, there Fischer, Levin-Ep, and Rotman absolutely tore it up and definitely let some New York Families know all about Caribou. Then three of them hopped in Rotman's Xterra and shot up to see Max, Wendy, and Jeff Kaufman in Chappaqua. Max who is now like 6'2, had a basketball game at the Bell Middle School. The game certainly didn't start off to hot, as the halftime score was 11-8. Though, with Wendy Kaufman and Rotman's cheering abilities, Jeff Kaufman's strategic coaching, and Max's rebounding abilities, the Larchmont Tigers were able to squeak out a win, 38-36. It was awesome seeing the Kaufman's in the short amount of time we spent together.
Levin-Ep, Fischer, and Rotman were certainly on the go as they had to quickly get back down to the city for a dinner at Dave & Busters. There Sam Cox, Grant Sabean, Harry Zolot, David Barber, Sacha Heymann, Andy Godnick, Eli Fadil, and Greg Nissan were all there for an awesome Caribou Dinner. At the tail end of the dinner we had to tell the waitress that it was Levin-Ep's birthday (though it really wasn't), so we could get in on some ice cream action. Levin-Ep turned a little red, but embraced the fake birthday like a champ. It was great seeing our Caribou City guys, and awesome that Nissan, one of our alumnus, was able to make it.
That night Fischer, Levin-Ep, and Rotman met up with some more alumni. Harry Liss, Ari Biederman, and Andrew Wallace, who are all doing real well and jacked up for the Alumni Reunion.
On Sunday, the action didn't stop as Rotman went over the Froelich's for a little bagel breakfast. There the Schaffers (new to the Caribou family), the Kaidens, (looking into Caribou), Zabala's (also looking to join the Caribou family), Andres Vaamonde (great surprise!!!) and of course the Froelichs all were in attendance to talk Caribou and enjoy some great New York Bagels. We wanted to thank the Froelich's for hosting such a great get together.
The weekend finished off with a bang at the Godnick's. Though, before we had dinner, Rotman and Andy Godnick went over to the local JCC to play some hoop. Godnick has only gotten better from the last summer, as he did beat Rotman in a One on One battle 11-6. Good work Godnick, but that ain't happenin' again. At the Godnick's, Lisanne and Howie put on a great dinner. Rotman got a chance to meet Ben Landau (new to the Caribou family), who is a great kid, real pumped for the upcoming summer, and seems like a perfect Caribou camper!!! We also got a chance to meet Ben's parents Barbara and Shawn and their daughter Annabelle (Matoaka camper), great family and real excited to see them again on visiting day!! Also at the Godnick's were the Lublins, Dylan and Michelle. Jake was at a hockey game, but it's always AWESOME seeing Michelle and Dylan. Dylan was telling Rotman all about Chase Gornbeins Bar Mitzvah and how ridiculous the scene was. But, overall, the dinner was great, tons of food, lots of fun, and we even went out for ice cream!!!
What an amazing weekend. It was great seeing everyone!!! Rotman is back down in New York February 12th-13th, so hopefully he can see even more Caribou guys. Keep in touch. ROCK ON!!!!
Friday, January 28, 2011
D.C. and New York Here We Come!!!

Caribou Nation....OOOOHHH what up!!!! We just wanted to let everyone know that it's big weekend on the Caribou front. Bill & Martha will be going down to DC for the Reunion held at the Rockville Sports Plex on Sunday from 1-3. And Rotman is heading down to New York City. He will be at Dave & Busters on 42nd street, Saturday night at 6:30pm. I hope everyone is doing well and we hope to see as many Caribou guys as possible this weekend!!!!
Yo check this photo of Bill... Neon green hat, a light brown cashmere sweater, and big boss boots. GET 'EM.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
A Bat Mitzvah and A Music Man
Caribou Nation, what uppppp!!! What a crazy MLK weekend we had. It started out with a BANG at Abagail Rosovsky's Bat Mitzvah (Rosedog's Daughter). Held at Temple Israel in Boston on Saturday, Caribou came out in full force. Dan Rottenberg, Mike Stern, Charlie Fradin, Barry Gu, Bill, Martha, lori, and Rotman were all in attendance, creating one raucous and fun table!!!! Though Abagail was the star of the day as she did an outstanding job and threw an amazing party. It was also a little precursor to this summers Alumni Reunion. It was great to see some Caribou guys get together, but everyone was certainly excited for the main event on August 12th. In the end, we all want to thank the Rosovsky's for an awesome day!!!
On Sunday, as you know the Pats played the Jets in the divisional round of the playoffs. Being a Pats fan, that game was certainly tough to watch and I really don't want to talk about it, but Weinstein came into Boston to watch the game with me. It was great to see him, even though he was wearing a Jets long sleeve shirt and a Grey Colorwar under shirt (hahah of course) but he is doing real well up at Union College covering the 12th ranked hockey team in the nation!!!
On Monday, Lori and Rotman went to see Aaron Cohen perform in The Music Man. Aaron started the play off with a solid break dance routine, it was SICK!!!!! Aaron definitely set the tone of the play, as the Schechter school put on a great show. And just fair warning to all of you, I'm sure Aaron will bring those break dance talents to this summers lip sync, so watch out!!! We just want to thank Robin Cohen for inviting us, as it was great to see Aaron.
Also in attendance at the play was our very own MILES BACKER, who also goes to Solomon Schechter. Miles is doing very well and pumped for the summer.
Hey, it was a great weekend, awesome to see our Alumni and some current guys. Keep in touch and let us know of any upcoming events.
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